Evergreen trees for creative landscape solutions

Evergreen trees for creative landscape solutions

Of course, at the height of summer, it is very difficult to notice the beauty of evergreen trees. But with the onset of autumn, and especially with the advent of winter, the beauty of a variety of dwarf pines and thujas becomes undeniable.

Evergreen trees for creative landscape solutions

In the golden autumn period, coniferous evergreen trees accentuate the beauty of yellow-red leaves, and in winter they remain the only and full-fledged garden decoration. The snow cover only adds grace and beauty to these plants and often performs a function such as protection of conifers from frosts. In order to enjoy the beauty of evergreens all year round, their planting should be taken care of in advance.

Evergreen trees for creative landscape solutions

Today we will talk about what kinds of coniferous plants are best suited for planting in the garden and how to care for them.

Thuja (Arborvitae)

Thuja tree is best transplanted in the spring, but due to its unpretentiousness, it will safely endure planting both in a cool summer and in warm autumn. Thuja’s crown can be cut, giving designers the opportunity to create interesting and amazing landscaping ideas. So, for example, these plants are great for creating alleys and hedges.

interesting and amazing landscaping ideas

Not all species are suitable for decorative purposes. As a rule, arborvitae dwarf trees are more harmonious and aesthetic.

Thuja Columna (Thuja occidentalis Columna)

Its name reflects the shape of the crown, its branches are shorter, thicker and thinner than the typical.
interesting and amazing landscaping ideas

Thuja Smaragd (Thuja occidentalis Smaragd)

This species is one of the most popular garden forms. The height of the tree reaches five meters in height, often it is multi-barreled. The diameter of the crown is about a meter.
Thuja Smaragd

Thuja Danica (Thuja occidentalis Danica)

Rounded dwarf shrubs, slow growing. Height and width to one meter. Needles are green, changing to slightly bronze color in winter. Danica can grow both in the sun and in the penumbra. Great for small and rocky gardens.
Thuja Danica
Observing simple rules when selecting varieties and making plant compositions, you will be able to create a cozy and picturesque design of your backyard or garden that will let you enjoy the magnificent colors all year round.

Landscape design