Creative and easy-to-do indoor Halloween decorations

DIY Halloween decorations

Fall is the season of amazing holidays so the main topic of this article is indoor Halloween decorations. First, you need to think about what attributes of this holiday are considered traditional: pumpkin lanterns (Jack-o’-lantern), skeletons, ghosts, witches, spiders, bats, all sorts of potions, brooms, broomsticks, black cats, mummies, etc. DIY Halloween decorations based on the above list are easy and quick to do and will create the unforgettable holiday atmosphere for you and your guests.

Jack-o’-lantern (pumpkin lamp)

DIY Halloween decorations

Let’s start the theme of Halloween ideas with the well-known Jack’s lamp which is cut out of a ripe pumpkin. Let’s begin:

  • take a long knife with a well-sharpened blade;
  • gently chop off the pumpkin’s lid (the top with a stem);
  • take out the seeds and pulp from inside with a spoon;
  • mark eyes, nose, teeth, and mouth;
  • carve out the details with a small knife using left marks.

At the final stage, put a small candle in the pumpkin and close the lid.

Pumpkin with mice in indoor Halloween decorations

DIY Halloween decorations

In addition, you can create creative Halloween pumpkin decoration with mice. Just cut out small mink-holes in the pumpkin and place toy mice there. This decor element looks incredibly stylish!

Pumpkin made out of paper

Take the orange paper, cut it into short, but rather wide strips. Then fasten it in the form of a fan form the form of a pumpkin and fix it from above with a stapler. In the end, you can add green leaves and a stem.

The candy vase in indoor Halloween decorations

DIY Halloween decorations

This holiday simply cannot do without all kinds of sweets and candies as Halloween treats. Therefore, you can easily prepare nice vases for them. Simply paint transparent or tin cans with orange ink, draw eyes, nose, mouth and enjoy the result.


DIY Halloween decorations

Halloween ghost and spirits soaring around the house look especially impressive. You will need a large amount of gauze or plain white fabric to do them. The gauze should be immersed in a solution of polyvinyl acetate adhesive mixed with water. Inflate the balloon and place wet gauze on the ball, flatten out as a ghost and leave to dry completely. After drying, blow the ball and use a black marker to draw the eyes and mouth of a ghost on the surface of the gauze. After that, such floating spirits can be hung around the house, fixed on the chandeliers, lamps, doors, and hangers.

DIY Halloween decorations

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